Part II of Dave Lindorff’s interview by Kathy Swift on Santa Barbara’s RadioOccupy. Lindorff continues talking about his investigation into the FBI’s and Homeland Security Department’s hidden campaign to crush the Occupy Movement, based upon the thousands of documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act campaign of discovery by the Partnership for Civil Justice. Lindorff also talks about his investigation into the men from Craft International, the Dallas-based mercenary firm who’s personnel appear to have been hired (by someone — likely the DHS) to be at the Boston Marathon a year ago.
To hear this program, please go to RadioOccupy
From left: Three Craft International guys at finish line before bombings (note backpack with white square and hat in lower corner with Craft’s scull logo), two Craft men communicating with someone, FBI image of exploded backpack (note similar black color and white squre marking), and craft guys running after bombing (without his pack!). Clearly there are some explanations needed from the government, but nobody will admit to hiring Craft to be present at last year’s Boston Marathon.
If you would like to hear Part I of this radio interview, which focuses on Lindorff’s investigation into a plot, revealed in several FBI secret documents obtained through FOUA, to assassinate the “leaders” of the Houston Occupy movement and possibly other Occupy actions around the country, please click here