We know what the real Jesus would do with this government, but how about this?

What would a real Opposition Party of the People Do?

We are currently at the mercy of a cabal of self-righteous Christian zealots with a 6-3 grip on the US Supreme Court and on Congress, thanks to an arcane structure designed by slave-owning wealthy men who handed the power to a Senate dominated by small-state rich people and to their party of Christian fascists and …

Preenting the looming right-wing takeover of America

Time for Democrats to Stand and Deliver or Admit They Want to Lose Power

The outlook for Democrats in Washington and in statehouses across the country in 2022 and in the next presidential election in 2024 range between  dismal and disastrous. The party, infested by neo-liberals who want more military spending, more wars, less regulation,  “market solutions” to problems like health care and a  decent, secure retirement for all …

If you’re elderly, angry and an experienced activist, be there!

Radical Elders to Organizational Meeting Next Saturday, March 26!

Are you a veteran activist or a veteran organizer of progressive organizations and are over age 55?  If so, here’s some exciting news.  We all know America is moving into a dangerous period of reaction, the world climate is careening out of control threatening human and perhaps all life on earth, wars and US military …

They don’t just get more, they bribe politician to let them keep it:

The Rich are Different — Richer than Us and Far Greedier

  F, Scott Fitzgerald is famously said to have once remarked to his pal Ernest Hemingway, “The rich are different from you and me, Ernest,” to which Hemingway is said to have replied, “Yes, they have more money.” Fitzgerald had it right. Particularly these days, when the wealthiest people in the US are not millionaires, …

Once there was Rural Electrification, now we need rural Postal Service banks

Democrats Have a Huge Opportunity to Expand their Base and They’re Ignoring It

  Check out the map of so-called Red and Blue states, and also note how in the Red states, most Blue voters are jammed into more densely populated urban centers while the rural counties are almost  uniformly Red, ie: Republican. Now consider how important the Postal Service is in all that vast stretch of right-wing …

Will this be maintainable?

Icelanders: Most Peaceful and Politically Conscious of People

    Iceland nature. Creative Commons Photo. Shots were fired at a politician’s property recently for the first time in Icelandic folk’s memory. During the weekend of January 21-2, bullets from a .22 pistol were fired into Reykjavik Mayor Dagur B Eggertsson’s car and his office. He was not present in either occasion. Two men …

US-backed coup government ousted peacefully

Bolivia’s First Three Months of Pro-Socialist Electoral Victory

New Vice-president David Choquehunaca (l) and President Luis Arce  Communtarian-indigenous based Movement toward Socialism (MAS) returned to power in a landslide election victory, October 18, 2020, thus ousting the rightest coup government backed by the U.S. (1) This is some of first quarter developments? Luis Arce, President Evo Morales’ (2006-2019) minister of economy and public …

Go for it Republicans!

A Red State Secession Movement from the US of A is a Great Idea!

  ‘And here’s to the state of Mississippi Where underneath their border the devil draws no line If you drag their muddy rivers nameless bodies you will find The calendar is lying when it reads the present time. Oh, here’s to the land you tore out the heart of Mississippi find yourself another country to …

Clueless autocrat amid a raging pandemic? It’s nothing new:

Author of New Book on US Quarantine History Tells What Biden Must Do

As the US confronts both a political crisis of presidential succession and a worsening pandemic, it might be instructive, though perhaps not comforting, to learn that we’ve been here before.  In the period between the 1773 Boston Tea Party up through the start of the American Revolution with the battles of Lexington and Concord and …

They're wearing masks in coal country, and no trashing Biden signs

In Pennsylvania’s ‘Trump Country’ Signs Say Enthusiasm for the President Has Faded

  Fishs Eddy, NY — Driving from Philadelphia to our summer home in the Catskill Mountains region of upstate New York, my wife and I normally leave Interstate I-81 at the old coal-mining and railway center of Scranton, and head off on a meandering route on secondary roads through hill country passing farms, woods and …