Hear the latest ‘ThisCantBeHappening’ program on the Progressive Radio Network.
Host Dave Lindorff, founder of this newssite, interviews Progressive Literary Agent Francis Goldin, a life-long fighter for freedom, democracy and socialism in America, talks about her life of struggle, and about her three goals at the age of 89. She also talks about one of those projects that has already come to fruition: publication of the book Imagine: Living in a Socialist USA, which features chapters on what’s wrong with capitalism, on how socialism would change everything from criminal justice to the environment to education to health care to work and to love, and on how we get from here to there.
Authors of the book include people like Angela Davis, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Bill Ayers, Frances Fox-Piven, and Lindorff himself (writing on health care under socialism).
To hear the one-hour interview, which was broadcast live on PRN.fm last Wednesday, just click on the image of Goldin’s new book below.
Listen to the 'ThisCantBeHappening' radio show, with host Dave Lindorff, Wednesdays at 5 ET or on the web at “PRN.fm Also, remember to tune in this Wednesday when Dave interviews fellow TCBH! journalist John Grant about Ukraine and America’s global war-mongering.