Boots on the ground

(photo by GL)


My boots are on the porch.
They are not on the ground.
I keep them on the porch
When I am not in them.

And I’m not in them.
They are not working now,
They are dreaming up an army
Of boots on the ground

Making gardens. Just hand me
A moonbeam so I can find my way
To my rack. Let me find my Big Voice
So I can stare down the Puzzle Palace.

Call off GWOT. That balloon has gone up.
(Bravo Zulu Charlie Mike)
Get them out, get them all out!
Too much chest candy and fruit salad

For my taste. Boots going where they shouldn.t
Too many jammin jennies going kinetic:
18 years of zippo raids and barbecue,
20 years and over 2400 good lights out.

My boots are on the porch.
I keep them on the porch
Where they are dreaming up an army
Of boots on the ground making gardens.