No ‘Happy New Year’ wish this time:

Hard Times are Coming in 2020 and in the Decade Ahead

  Gentle reader, I am afraid cannot bring myself to offer you the expected “Happy New Year” greeting at the start of this decade. The traditional phrase for today sticks in my craw. It just seems too ridiculous and inappropriate to our reality to be uttered with any sincerity. 2020 and the decade that it …

Blinded by impeachment mania in Washington and the nation's newsrooms:

Giuliani’s a Slimeball but Bribing Maduro to Quit Office was Less Evil than Bolton’s Efforts to Spark a Coup or Civil War

  The latest Trump administration news is a Washington Post article reporting that Trump’s “personal lawyer” Rudy Giuliani, was working a private “back channel” negotiation this past year with embattled Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro in a failed effort to persuade Maduro to quit his office and leave the country. The Post, and some of the …

Embedded journalists and news organizations that hire retired generals for commentary don't give the true picture

‘Afghan Papers’ Wouldn’t Be Needed If We Had a Real Independent Newsmedia

    In 1966, during the early years of the America’s war against Vietnam, Congress passed and President Johnson signed into law a Freedom of Information Act.  The FOIA wasn’t all that great at the time, though. Indeed, it took the courageous act of two men, Daniel Ellsberg and his co-conspirator, Anthony Russo, to to …

Presidential high crimes and misdemeanors, unchallenged, become the new reality going forward

Conviction and Removal Aren’t the Issue; It’s Impeachment of Trump that is Essential

A lot of pundit verbiage and Democratic Party internal debate as well is being wasted on the question of whether Trump could be convicted successfully in a Senate currently run by a lickspittle Republican majority afr0aid of their shadows and devoid of any concern for the fate of Constitutional government. Let’s accept that the 20-plus …

Call to resist the ongoing assault on Assange and Manning

Mr. Johnson, Tear Down This Wall!

   On June 12, 1987, the greatest president in the history of the United States of America (according to US opinion polls), Ronald Reagan, challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. Twenty-nine months later, November 9, 1989, the communist party leaderships of the DDR and Soviet Union, complied and opened the wall. I …

Revolution on a short leash:

Student Protesters are Walking a Tightrope in Hong Kong

It’s hard to know what to think about the student protests in Hong Kong. On the one hand they are incredibly inspiring. The courage, determination, brilliant organizing in the face of corporate blocking of the social media platforms that have been so critical early on to coordinating actions and rallying support, and the links that …

Expect to find the black hand of the CIA behind Morales’ ouster:

When an Elected Government Falls in South America, as in Bolivia Today, Look For a US Role

When it comes to politics in Latin America, what initially seems clear is usually anything but. And when that some complicated political event happens and is reported about in the US, the last place to look for clarity is the US media, which almost universally parrots the Washington line — an imperialist one that takes …

Moment of truth on military spending in the NY Times:

Military Spending’s Out of Control while Slashing It Could Easily Fund Medicare for All

  Something very unusual happened on Thursday, Oct. 17. The New York Times suddenly ran an article on its opinion page explaining how to cut $300 billion from the $1-trillion military budget — enough, the article explained, to fund Bernie Sanders’ proposed program for an expanded Medicare program to cover all Americans without raising a …

Really remembering 9-11

Recalling the Hundreds of Thousands of Civilian Victims of America’s Endless ‘War on Terror’

Now that the flags are back waving from the tops of flagpoles across the country, and the maudlin paeans to the close to 3000 lives lost in the airplane attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, it’s time we gave a thought to the dead who were ignored. According …

The media war-machine is kicking in:

US Media Keep Saying Iran is ‘In Violation’ of a Nuclear Agreement the US Withdrew From

Yes, Iran is increasing the number of centrifuges it is using to refine nuclear fuel, and yes, it is refining that fuel to a higher percentage of U-235, the isotope that allows the uranium to begin a chain reaction necessary for both fueling a nuclear reactor and for creating an atomic bomb. But in taking …