The poet was not killed or harmed in this fantasy of world’s end

I’m sad.
Let’s be sad together.
I’m angry too.

Let’s be angry together.
Let’s be sad
About what makes you sad first.

Then we can be sad about
What makes me sad.
Then we can get angry together.

I have a list of things
That make me angry and sad
At the same time!

Will you join me?
Will you share your list?
Can I add to your list?

I also have some things that make me happy
Somewhere. Now where
Did I leave that happy list!

I have fantasies of the end of the world.
In all my fantasies, I survive.
You do not.

I’m sorry but I really have no control
Over the scripting of these fantasies.
Even in the ones that are over-the-top,

Like the asteroid hit
Or the global plague
That sweeps the continents,

It’s right there in the credits:
Gary Lindorff was not harmed
During the filming of this world’s-end fantasy.

What have we done?
What have I done?
Are you mad at me?

Why is the world ending in my mind?
That certainly isn’t fair to you.
Maybe your world deserves to continue.

Does my world need to end
So yours can flourish?
I’ll talk to the director.

Can I live in yours?
Mine is not a great world
Which is why I am letting it go.

It has many flaws and doomsday triggers.
I don’t want to go into it.
It has poets scratching the bottom of the barrel

For scraps of metaphors
That haven’t found homes.
It has ghosts walking around

Looking for the exit.
They have been there before.
Many sad worlds have ended

In countless people’s minds.
And many people have died
Who were stuck in those worlds.

How is your world doing?
Is it going to make it?
I hope so, because I need a go-to world.

I think we should get together
When this failed world
Is not longer a problem.

I will be looking for a nice place
Where people tell stories around the fire,
A place to hang my head-scarf.