New poem

The hourglass

Sand through the hourglass.
Sand in my eyes.
Sleep don’t come easy.
The moment is fragile.
I heard him say,
The moment is fragile.

I heard him come in.
I heard him say,
Sleep don’t come easy.
Too many lies.
Rivers of lies.
Sand of lies.

Oceans of tears and lies.
Cities are fragile.
The moment is fragile.
Sleep don’t come easy,
I heard him say.
Cities are fragile.

Sand through the hourglass.
Sleep don’t come easy
I heard him say.
I’m tired, so tired.
I heard him come in
And head for his bed.

I heard myself say,
The forest is fragile.
Sand through the hourglass.
I heard the ocean crying.
Ocean of tomorrow’s tears.
I heard him say,

We’re history.
Cities built on lies.
Cities of crystal.
Cities of gleaming steel.
Cites of water.

The broken record.
The moment is fragile.
It’s a broken record.
Sleep don’t come easy.
I heard him come in.
I’m tired, so tired.

The water is rising.
So tired,
He lay down.
He dreamed of cities of steel.
He dreamed of crystal cities.
He dreamed the ocean was crying.

We sand-bagged
The truth.
We lay down
In cities of sleep.
We sand-bagged
The fragile moment.

Sleep don’t come easy.
In cities of sleep
We lay down.
The broken record.
We lied. I heard him,

We’re history.
I heard him whisper
Like a broken record.
I’m tired, so tired.
Sand in my eyes.
Sand through the hourglass.