$17 billion could buy a lot of food aid:

What’s in the Massive US Military Aid Package to Ukraine?

This article was written for The Edge, a publication of the Ithaca College Park Center for Independent Media The first point that needs to be made in addressing the colossal $40 billion Ukraine arms aid package passed by Congress and rushed by plane to Asia for President Joe Biden’s signature is that it’s not all …

Berlin should step up and end the war in Ukraine:

Germany Deserves a Big Share of the Blame for the Disaster in Ukraine

  Nobody is talking about the blame that must be shouldered by the German government for the crisis and humanitarian disaster in Ukraine. Sure Russia is guilty of a huge war crime in invading Ukraine,  Surely too, the US must  be blamed for creating the situation which led Russia and its autocratic leader Vladimir Putin …

To idiot politicians and pundits calling for a US 'no-fly' zone over Ukraine:

If the US or NATO Put Fighters in the Air over Ukraine We’d Have World War Final

  “Clearly, in the absence of a U.N. resolution, which Russia would veto, a strong coalition of like-minded nations should step in and seriously consider a no-fly zone over the Ukraine.”                               — Sen. Tom Wicker, (R-Miss), Senate Armed Services Committee …