Epidemic Epistle III: A COVID-19 crisis diary by Dave & Gary Lindorff:

It’s Spring and I’ve Turned 71 in a Pandemic-Induced Recession

  I’m feeling a little weird these days.  No, don’t worry! I’m not coming down with suspicious flu-like symptoms. So far fortunately, I’m managing to stay healthy despite my 71 years and a lung condition that makes me particularly at risk of any respiratory illness that comes along — much the worse if it’s a …

Huge layoffs = major recession; Raging infections and deaths = major epidemic:

Neither Pandemic Nor Economic Collapse is Going to Be a Short-Lived Crisis

  On Thursday, April 2, the bottom fell out of the US economy, as the US Department of Labor reported that an unprecedented 6.6 million more workers in the US had been laid off and had filed claims for unemployment compensation payments with their state Unemployment Offices last week. That stunning news followed the already …

Could this virus and economic crisis be a revolutionary moment?

Marx on the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Ron Ridenour Copenhagen — “A spectre is haunting Europe—the spectre of” COVID-19. For Marx and Engels writing the Communist Manifesto, in 1848, that spectre was communism, their political system of choice. This flaring ghost they described frightened the capitalist class, which endeavored to exorcise its breath. The contemporary specter (thesis-see note) is a new …

US at a critical juncture:

Facing Two Epidemics, Covid-19 and Soaring Joblessness

  (This article was written for and initially published at RT.com) The Senate and the White House have finally managed to negotiate a record $2-trillion stimulus aid package to ease the economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak. But the money may well be too little too late. Once approved, the bill will go to the …