No brokered convention!:

If Sanders Wins a Big Plurality of Delegates, He Must Be the Democratic Presidential Nominee

           At the end of the Nevada debate on Wednesday evening, each of the candidates on NBC stage was asked one last question: If nobody has a majority of delegates after the primaries, should there be a brokered Convention? All the candidates answered yes except for Bernie Sanders, who as the acknowledged front-runner in …

The whole DNC and Chairman Perez should be shit-canned

The Democratic Party Leadership Has Done the Impossible, Disgracing Itself!

  Hooray for Bernie Sanders! He waited until he had the numbers and now he’s calling it. He won Iowa! Maybe the same corporate media that have been touting Pete Buttigieg as the “presumptive winner” in the messy Iowa Caucus, now that their story is collapsing are unwilling to call it for Bernie. Sanders, in …

To paraphrase Yogi Berra: 'It's 2016 deja vu all over again'

Corporate Media’s Trashing of Bernie Sanders Starts Anew

In 2016, we learned that the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton Campaign, even before the primary season began, conspired to sabotage the campaign of her leading opponent for the presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).  The conspiracy, that ranged from obtaining campaign debate questions in advance for Clinton and front-loading primaries in states …