US-backed coup government ousted peacefully

Bolivia’s First Three Months of Pro-Socialist Electoral Victory

New Vice-president David Choquehunaca (l) and President Luis Arce  Communtarian-indigenous based Movement toward Socialism (MAS) returned to power in a landslide election victory, October 18, 2020, thus ousting the rightest coup government backed by the U.S. (1) This is some of first quarter developments? Luis Arce, President Evo Morales’ (2006-2019) minister of economy and public …

Who's the US to demand that Russia free anyone?

Back to Cold War 2.0 with Biden and His ‘Diplomacy-Favoring’ Secretary of State Blinken

  A fawning liberal media and a passel of well-endowed ‘peace’ organizations like Plowshares and Council for a Livable World and self-described “progressive” organizations like MoveOn have been hailing Biden’s cabinet picks, many of them veterans of the Obama administration, claiming they will steer the US in a new direction under which diplomacy, not bluster …

What a difference a half century makes (not!)...

Hundreds of 2021 ‘Insurrectionists’ may Get Off while 700 Peaceful Pentagon Protesters got Arrested and Jailed in 1967

  As I wrote in a letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer published today under the headline:  ‘Punish All Rioters”: An article in the Sunday Inquirer said that federal prosecutors are discussing not prosecuting all who participated in the fatal U.S. Capitol insurrectional assault on Jan. 6. The reason: Fears of “overloading” the courts.     …

Campaign ‘donations’ are bribes and the ‘Free’ World ain’t so free:

Fixing the Language of Journalism to Reflect Reality

  We have needed to eliminate a bunch of euphemisms from our political lexicon if we’re going to have serious debates about the future of the country.  A new president, an ousted fascist predecessor, and an obstructionist opposition party that wants nothing to change despite losing a national election is a great time to take …

Let's all make 'trump' a dirty word and restore the Old English term 'trumpery' to modern vernacular

We’re Tired of This T***p! End the White House Trumpery!

  Trump is gone, but not forgotten. The damage he’s done, the 25,000 or more lies he spewed out that led so many people to begin living in an alternative fact-free universe for the last five years, will stay with us for years unless his legacy is trashed and his millions of deluded followers wake …

Don't share secrets with Trump, share them with the people:

Enough with the Goddamned Secrets! Open Up the Government Joe!

  The incoming Biden administration is considering breaking with a long-standing tradition of new presidents sharing national secrets with prior presidents.  Instead, in the case of his future predecessor Trump, Biden says he wants to hear the advice of key national security figures in the new government regarding whether or not to brief the impeached …