Recall the tale of Bolivia President Morales' plane in 2013?

US Beyond Shameless in Decrying Belarus’ Forcing Down of Passenger Plane to Nab Journalist Critic

  The gold standard for shamelessness has long been the guy who murders his parents and then pleads for the mercy of the court because he’s an orphan. The US, as well as the lickspittle NATO nations of Europe have pretty much topped this hypothetical example with a real one. They accomplished this by going …

Will the U.S. allow a socialist president in Peru?

Peru Election: Close Race Between Left and Right

Pedro Castillo, Peru left candidate at rally. El Nacional newspaper photo. Peru’s election pits two extremely opposite candidates against one another, uncannily similar to Ecuador’s election on April 11. Nearly at the last minute, the millionaire conservative Guillermo Lasso, former banker and Coca Cola director, won the run-off election over socialistic candidate Andres Arauz, 52.5% …

America Shares the blame for Israel’s war crimes

US-Supplied Planes and Bombs are Slaughtering Palestinian Children in Gaza

  When you’re watching those horrific images of massive explosions taking down high-rise apartment buildings in Gaza, and reading the statistics of dead in Gaza (195 dead, nearly half of them women and including over 40 children as young as six-months of age), remember that while it’s Israel bombing these buildings and killing these women, …

The CDC blinked as Biden declares 'A great day!'

A Maskless US Heads Down a Dark Road as the Covid Pandemic Rages On

  In the clash between sound science and political pressure from anti-science crackpots in the United States, the Biden administration and the Center for Disease Control have blinked, announcing prematurely that people who are vaccinated can basically give up masking except when traveling on public transit or visiting health facilities. The idiocy and mendacity  of …

Blacks back bigotry

Bootlickers Blind To Evidence Of Institutional Racism

The subject of entrenched racism and its poisonous persistence sparked a bunch of BS from T.S. on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean recently. This BS [bullshit] is vehement declarations that institutional racism no longer exists in either America or England. This BS asserts institutional racism miraculously disappeared in recent months from those two nations, …

Children of color appear to be fair game for too many cops:

No More Police Killings of Kids!

  The latest police murder — and that’s what it was whatever the circumstances — of 16-old foster child Ma’Khia Bryant by a Columbus, Ohio cop, is sickening to watch. No way did that officer,  Nicholas Reardon, have to kill that young teenage girl. Maybe she had a knife, and maybe she was even planning …

US has no standing to protest judicial abuses abroad:

Stop the Hypocrisy America! Free Mumia, Free Leonard Peltier, Free Julian Assange!

  President Joe Biden and his Secretary of State Antony Blinken are worried about Russian Putin critic and presidential aspirant Alexei Nevalny, currently in a Russian prison after conviction on charges of skipping bail and leaving the country and other charges.  They say he is being abused and is at risk of dying in jail …

Cyber bullies assail students and teacher

Students Bashed In Battle Over Abu-Jamal’s Healthcare

A poignant plea from a group of pupils at a Philadelphia charter school sent recently to Philadelphia’s top prosecutor — that sought release of an inmate widely considered as falsely incarcerated — prompted a barrage of vile threats against those students and one of their teachers from opponents of that inmate. Ironically, that menacing triggered …