Where's Al Waldo?

The IDF is Coming Up Almost Empty in Search for Underground Hamas ‘Pentagon’

US backpedaling in its support for Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza and the destruction of the entire northern half of the walled-off and blockaded territory that is home and prison for 2.3 million trapped Palestinians. This stepping back from full-throated support for Israel is occurring however, only after Israel  achieved or claimed to have achieved …

On the Situation in Gaza: A Statement by Radical Elders

` (Issued Nov. 2, 2023)  Radical Elders adds our voice to the worldwide outcry for an immediate ceasefire in the Israeli government’s genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza. The insanity of our imperialist, racial capitalist world continues to explode. We add our voice to the world’s outrage at this most recent eruption, in one of …

Where’s the US Peace Movement and US public outrage?

Israel is Committing an Epic War Crime with US Backing and US Arms

When the US was bombing levees and hospitals in North Vietnam and peasants in their rice paddies in Laos and burning villages in South Vietnam, herding those not killed in the process into “strategic hamlets,” Americans took to the streets en masse, occupied the Pentagon mall, brought central Washington DC to a standstill, and broke …