Dr. Ann Kristin Neuhaus, a former associate of murdered Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller, has for years been paying the price for her commitment to a woman’s right to a safe, legal abortion: death threats, having to go to work wearing a bullet-proof vest, even at one point carrying a gun.
Because of that commitment, the Operation Rescue fanatics in Kansas, with the help of a craven bunch of Republican charlatans in state government, have successfully revoked her medical license, and are now seeking to sock her and her family with the bill for all the “court costs” of the kangaroo-court-like “hearing” by the Kansas Board of Healing Arts whose stacked members stole her hard-earned right to practice medicine.
The bill for this legal lynching: $92,000.
As Katha Pollitt has written in an excellent piece in the Nation magazine: Operation Rescue v. Ann Neuhaus, Hero Provider, Neuhaus and her journalist husband Mike Caddell are in danger of losing their run-down family farm. Neuhaus these days has to drive 20 miles to her mother’s house just to do the family laundry because their own washing machine is down and there’s no money to repair it. They have to borrow a car because theirs is busted and in need of $1000 worth of repairs. With all that, they also have a son with type 1 diabetes who is in need of medical care they can’t afford.
Neuhaus and Caddell have set up a fund-raising campaign to try and save their home and are seeking donations. ThisCantBeHappening! urges our readers to go to the site, read the account of the witch-hunt the fanatics in Kansas, from Gov. Sam Brownback on down, are mounting against them, and then donate generously to help them fight back.
Dr. Ann Kristin Neuhaus