Dave Lindorff is interviewed by Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips of Project Censored on their June 27 program on San Francisco public radio station KPFA. Lindorff tells Huff and Phillips about how TCBH! learned, from a Department of Homeland Security document obtained recently thanks to a Freedom of Information Act filing by the Partnership for Civil Justice, that ThisCantBeHappening! had been labeled a “threat” by the DHS.
As Lindorff explains, the DHS’s Office of Threat Assessment “alert” to 72 Fusion Centers, in a Nov. 18, 2011 alert its Office of Threat Assessment in Washington fired off to all 72 Fusion Centers then operating, does not say ThisCantBeHappening! and the journalists in the collective are terrorists or that we are supporting terrorism. Rather, they warn that an article we had run three days earlier, on November 15, 2011, at the height of the national crackdown by local police paramilitary thugs on Occupy actions across the country, had exposed the DHS’s central role in orchestrating and coordinating that crackdown.
The memo sent out to the Fusion Centers — organizations established by DHS after 9-11 that link up regional offices of all the three-letter spy and law enforcement agencies with local and state police in large metropolitan areas, ostensibly to combat terrorism — did not deny the assertions in our article, but goes on to express relief that the information in our exposé had, to date, remained “compartmentalized” in the alternative media. It goes on to warn that the office “wanted to make you aware of these references in case the national news media begins [sic] speculating about fusion center involvement.”
To hear this KPFA interview, just click here and slide the bar to the point 47 minutes and 27 seconds into the Project Censored program. You can also just click on the image below and go to the same point in the program.
For a full report on this story, and an actual image of the DHS “alert” memo obtained by ThisCantBeHappening!, click here.
An Oakland Police nighttime assault on Occupy Oakland became the DHS's model for similar assaults nationwide (click onimage to go to the program)