Preenting the looming right-wing takeover of America

Time for Democrats to Stand and Deliver or Admit They Want to Lose Power

The outlook for Democrats in Washington and in statehouses across the country in 2022 and in the next presidential election in 2024 range between  dismal and disastrous. The party, infested by neo-liberals who want more military spending, more wars, less regulation,  “market solutions” to problems like health care and a  decent, secure retirement for all …

Our ‘socialist’ telescope is about to show us creation:

Capitalism and the Profit-Motive Didn’t Create the James Webb Space Telescope

We have two examples of economic systems and of individual scientific workers and business people doing what they do that offer a instructive illustrations of why the US is so screwed up, and why it doesn’t have to be that way. The first is the extraordinary new (if unfortunately named) James Webb telescope heading rapidly …