Drones of Love

Drones of Love

Let us bomb your neighborhood,
Let us target your neighbor
Out of our love and concern –

Not you, not your children.
Drones of love!

Won’t you love us
After the dust settles?
After the evil has been exploded?
After the crater in the market-place
Has been filled in and paved
We will explode our way into your hearts!

We might miss our intended target;
Our drones of love are no more accurate
Than our drones of hate.
We promise to work on that.

We will ask for your forgiveness.
We will say, But this is war!

We have loads of soothing words,
Trucks full of medical supplies.
Water and food.
We have specialists to rebuild your country.
We have big plans for your future.
We will even stay to make sure
That evil doesn’t return.

Drones of love are just the beginning.
Just the beginning.

GARY LINDORFF, TCBH!’s resident poet, is an artist, musician, poet and counselor / dream-worker who practices shamanic techniques, and who lives in rural Vermont with his wife Shirley and two dogs. He can be reached at maleotter@gmail.com