Here's a New Year project that doesn't require money or even much time

Help Expand the Readership of ThisCantBeHappening!

We are asking all our regular readers to take the time over the next two weeks to send each new TCBH! article you read to three or six or even nine people you know who don’t know about our site.

It’s easy to do. After you click on a story, scroll to the bottom of the text and you’ll see a button saying “Send by Email.” You can enter three email addresses, separated by commas. The server allows you to send to three people per hour, so if you wait an hour, you can send another three messages.

There’s a comment box where you can tell people about the site and urge them to go back again and check it out, or to bookmark it.

If all our readers do this, we could double or triple our readership in no time.

Thanks for helping to spread the word.

The TCBH! Collective